Results for 'Ebong Offiong Erete'

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    umé L’oralité occupe une place significative dans la société traditionnelle africaine. La majorité des informations ou des messages sont transmis par ce moyen d’une génération à une autre. L’oralité est un aspect de la tradition en Afrique qui rassemble dans son sein les genres comme le conte, la fable, la devinette, l’adage, le proverbe, l’épopée, la légende, etc. Ces genres facilitent rapidement la compréhension d’un message, surtout discret, entre les membres d’une communauté. En Afrique, l’oralité a une grande place et (...)
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  2. The Role of the African Church Movement in Nigeria’s Independence.Offiong Offiong Asuquo - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (2).
    There are some churches in Nigeria that have an African outlook and characteristics. These churches are fully under African leadership, most of them were founded in the 1960s and 1950s. Most of them broke off from the orthodox and white dominated churches as a result of oppression by the whites and a desire for freedom and independence. These churches make up the African church movement. They played an important role in the attainment of Nigeria’s independence. This paper looks at the (...)
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  3. A critical evaluation of the writing methods of selected scholars of African culture and traditional religion – E. B. Idowu; E. G. Parrinder and K. A. Opoku.Offiong Offiong Asuquo - 2019 - International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 10 (8).
    Every activity of man is often done in a certain way. This includes the study of religion. Scholars have generally adopted various methods in studying religion. Some of these methods have been classified as unacademic, while some are academic and scientific. It is accepted that the proper way to study religion academically is through the scientific method which is a systemic and objective analysis of religious phenomena (Kirkpatric ed. 1159). Some other methods identified include: the polymethodic approach, descriptive approach, speculative (...)
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  4. The role of mass media in church development in the twenty first century.Offiong O. Asuquo - unknown
    The life of man has been influenced greatly by modern Mass Media in the 21st century. Such Media include the radio, television, newspaper, magazines, billboards, internet, cable networks, mobile phones, pamphlets, handbills among others. They have greatly enhanced the instant or rapid transfer of information, opinion and ideas. These have influenced man positively and negatively in all aspects of life, ranging from physical, educational, moral, economic to spiritual and religious. Hence this write up has been conceived to explore and highlight (...)
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  5. The Social Significance and Implications of the Ekpe Shrine In Calabar, Nigeria.Offiong Offiong Asuquo - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    A shrine is a building or place that is hallowed, venerated or deeply respected. It is generally associated with divinities or deities where sacrifices or offerings are made to them. Their devotees often meet there, interact with each other and consult with the priests of the divinities. There is an element of mystery and awe associated with every shrine. Non devotees have little or no business at a shrine, while the devotees themselves have to be very careful and observe various (...)
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  6. The present day relevance of Paul's advice to the family in Ephesians 5:22-25 and 6:1-9.Offiong O. Asuquo - 2014 - Leajon: An Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 5 (2).
    Man is a social animal, he needs other human beings in order to survive, develop and achieve anything. The human family is one institution which provides an avenue for man to obtain these benefits from close, relations. It affects every person and influences the society. Many people and organizations have made several efforts to improve and enhance the survival of the family. An example is the advice of Saint Paul, the Apostle to the Christian family in Ephesians 5:22-25 and 6:1-9. (...)
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  7. An African Christian perspective of death.Offiong Offiong Asuquo - 2010 - Leajon: An Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1):104-110.
    Death is the end or absence of life; it also refers to the end of a thing or an event It is a common phenomenon, which is unavoidable. Africans, like other people are interested in it, and they view and treat it from their cultural perspectives. However, those Africans who are converted to Christianity face a sort of dilemma in that Christianity came with its own views and teachings on death, along with a mixture of the cultures and backgrounds of (...)
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  8. The Role of Information Technology in Enhancing National Security in Nigeria (2001 -2020).E. Offiong Ekwutosi, Eke Nta Effiong & Etim Bassey Inyang - 2021 - Pinisi Journal of Art, Humanity and Social Studies 1 (1):44-53.
    The security problems of Nigeria have continued to stare at her very ominously and intermittently harass her, both within and outside her shores. These have lingered on and have created a clog on the wheel of the country's progress, indeed dramatically stagnating, and to say the least, truncating the mainstay of the country's survival. Several interpretations, theories, analyses, syntheses, and jingoistic conceptualization have been propagated, all producing the same result. From scientific to technological approach, religious to ritualist approach, political to (...)
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  9. Shilpi Ebong Manush Chapliner 125tomo Janmaborsher Prekkhite.Prithwi Sengupta - 2014 - Pratidhwani the Echo (III):1-12.
    The year 2014, will be the Charlie Spencer Chaplin or shortly known as world famous Chaplin’s 125 th Birth year. This article is like a tribute to a great person, who was also a musician, actor, comedian, director and music composer. The world still remembers this man not only for his acting skill, as the greatest comedian of all times, but also as a great human being. He shared his sorrow and pain, through which he had gone through in his (...)
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    Teologia istoriei la Gioacchino din Fiore.Dan Siserman - 2023 - Târgu Lăpuș: Galaxia Gutenberg.
    Gioacchino din Fiore (n. 1135 – d. 30 martie 1202), călugăr cistercian și fondator al Ordinului Florensian din Calabria, a fost unul dintre cei mai influenți teologi și filosofi ai Evului Mediu. Plasat de Dante în Paradis (Cântul XII), Gioacchino este considerat de către unii profet, iar de alții eretic, iar despre ideile sale se afirmă că au influențat atât Ordinul Franciscan, cât și mișcările escatologice medievale și moderne, respectiv teoriile ulterioare ale filosofiei istoriei. Cunoscut în primul rând pentru împărțirea (...)
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  11. Tehnolatria sau Amurgul Zeilor.Alexandru Cristian - manuscript
    Ce înseamnă mai exact idoli? Sunt multe definiţii dar şi multe incorectitudini. Este adevărat că fiecare religie are idolii săi, o caracteristică politeistă. Cuvântul apare cu o încărcătură puternică şi cu un caracter pur negativ, aş putea spune eretic în Biblie. Idolii sunt soldaţii Infernului. Biblia ne spune că un chip cioplit este un idol, o înfăţişare făcută după mintea ta. Este de fapt obiectul unei adorări exagerate o supunere voită faţă de un lucru sau o fiinţă. Drumul pe care (...)
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